Daily Planner
Have a productive sales day even when you are away from your desk. Schedule your day by having a complete view of leads…

Log your Meetings
Stop checking for open dates on the calendar and sales details on your CRM. Schedule your meetings and manage your calendar…

Voice to Text
Events can get hectic and in the swirl of activity it can be difficult to capture all the data you receive. Crucial information…

Capture Video Testimonials
What better way is there to share an enthusiastic client praise for your business than a video? Written testimonials are great…

Easy Lead Allocation
In business, leads are required to grow your business. Using prompt, focused communication can shorten the time it takes…

Track your Sales Progress
Every sales activity should be done with the ultimate goal of converting a prospect into a customer. The Sales Activity report…

Having a prospect-rich pipeline is crucial to the long-term health of any sales team. Prospects flow through the pipeline at different rates…

Sales Dashboard
Utilizing the LeadTalks CRM Reporting tool features, you can minimize the time required and maximize meetings with your sales…